Saturday, October 31, 2009

Crime Reports

Crime Reports

Go to this site and at the top where it says Gun Club Road, type in Lake Worth, Florida. You will get an eye-full, folks. Make sure you click on ALL crime. For all of you who say that we are "safer," perhaps. Perception is reality and this map will give you a perspective of what is real. One thing for sure, we have a LOT of crime.

At this site, you will be able to type in an exact location to find out about any crime near or around where you live.

Who are law and order candidates? Who are for strict code enforcement? Remember this when you vote on Tuesday.

Who are our best anti-crime candidates?

District 1: Ron Exline was a member of the C.O.P.'s and wants to reduce, crime, blight and will ensure effective code procedures. Scott Maxwell wants more Code and partner with PBSO and reintroduce the C.A.T. program. Both candidates will work on better public safety and driving the criminals out of our city. This is a toss up.

District 3: Jo-Ann Golden said that code was not working and agreed that a revamping of the department was in order. She increased public safety patrols in the neighborhoods and passed a new property maintenance code. Wes Blackman was a member of the C.O.P.'s.

Mayor: William Coakley wants to "throw all the bums out" and that includes the criminals. Believes in strict code enforcement as well as working closely with PBSO on all facets of public safety. Javier DelSol believes that crime can be solved through eduction. John Jordan wonders how all this crime has consumed our city and wants to end it. Loretta Sharpe wants to improve code enforcement and she supported merging with the Sheriff's Dept. Laurence McNamara will work with the PBSO to reduce crime. Has personally painted over criminal gang graffiti throughout the city. Rene Varela says he will work closely with public safety to ensure safe neighborhoods and prevent foreclosures when possible.

Source: Candidate web sites and/or literature

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