Saturday, October 10, 2009

A chance to save Florida - Florida Hometown Democracy

This morning I have a meeting with Florida Hometown Democracy southern district. It is being held in West Palm Beach. There will be people arriving from all over south Florida for this meeting to form strategy for next year's campaign.

You have been reading all along how the Builders’ groups and the Florida Chamber of Commerce are out to win. They have a lot to lose and are scared to death that the people who actually live here will have a say on how they want their local municipalities to look. Heavens. Can you imagine? An actual resident who pays the taxes will be able to vote if a politician tries to change their Comprehensive Plan.

Ryan Houck with Floridians For Smarter Growth is making big bucks to defeat the grassroots in support of protecting their neighborhoods. He hasn’t recovered from losing in the Florida Supreme Court on the revocation of petitions. He wanted to defeat Florida Hometown Democracy before it ever got to the ballot. What a guy! We now want to give him his final blow next year.

Developers in the past have been in bed with politicians. We all know that. Next November, we can tell them enough is enough and Vote Yes on Amendment 4. We have the opportunity to save Florida when politicians haven't. We have a chance to say it isn't about your deep pockets. We have a chance to tell them that we want clean sheets on our own bed.

Visit Florida Hometown Democracy's newly designed web site

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