Thursday, October 29, 2009

Birds of a Feather

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Scott's sign keeps appearing on the Pugh property without his knowledge or permission but there are two candidates represented here who think nothing of placing their political signs on a property that was the subject of one of the biggest and most corrupt decisions in our City--one made by the CRA that wasted hundreds of thousands of dollars of taxpayer money. Not only did the CRA misspend taxpayer money on a sweetheart deal for this owner who never paid code violation fines, but the owner never completed our pool for which he was paid in full.

Scott Maxwell removed his sign there last week and unbeknown to him, someone put it back up. He has now removed it again. This is a candidate that is showing common sense. Who wants to be associated with corruption? Wes Blackman says, "perhaps they're (the signs) there since it's a visible property along a major thoroughfare and these candidates have the owner's permission to put them there." I suppose if Jeffrey Dahmer had a corner lot and gave permission then that would be totally acceptable too?

These signs are just a symbol of what's wrong by sticking them right in the face of the taxpayers of Lake Worth. They are telling you that they don't care what you think--that they want business as usual. They don't care if this owner was complicit in a CRA give-away where he benefited and not the taxpayers of Lake Worth. These signs say that these candidates are in agreement with that irresponsible act. These signs are a symbol of the horrible decisions of the past.

Jeffrey Dahmer is dead. These two candidates will be "dead" too by 7pm on November 3rd.

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