Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Wrapped up in today's News

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I'm Scared

It could be worse…we could live in Arizona where they are now allowing concealed weapons into bars. The worse we have to deal with is NOISE and Mojito’s wanting to stay open until 5am. Oh, and did I tell you—they petitioned their bar patrons and now are endorsing the nosiest mayoral candidate of all.

Through campaign promises and public pressure, Obama is winding down our involvement in Iraq. Troops are now being sent to Afghanistan

PB County called for a moratorium allowing developers the right to build extra homes for just $1 if the home is “affordable.” PB County can’t afford to give this "benefit" now as they can’t collect from the developers. It’s funny how developers always have these creative methods of making money.

Home prices rose 1.2% in June. At that rate it will take Lake Worth years to catch up to the tax base they just lost this year of 24% as the Unions, the Sheriff and Fire eventually do us in.

Remember the Lake Worth High School math teacher that was arrested last year for preparing fraudulent tax returns? She just got sentenced to a year and a day. No fuzzy math here.

Scripps just got some Federal stimulus of $1.4 million. Swedish scientist of Scripps, Claes Wahlestedt, said, “The bulk of it goes to salaries which is the whole point of the stimulus package.” Yes, Claes, but don’t forget the investment of Florida taxpayers of hundreds of millions to bring you guys here. Claes’answer—without them (Scripps) here, Florida wouldn’t have seen ANY money.”


  1. Lynn

    This is either a typo, or a wonderful derivative locution. Re: Mojito's and a mayoral candidate you emphasize "noise," and then refer to "nosiest." Did you mean 'noisiest?'

    I mean, either way, ... Too funny.

  2. Pietro--Take your pick--either one works!

  3. Wow! Multiple choices; it's like a poll within a post. ;)
