Monday, September 7, 2009

Where is our Audit for 2008?

As City Manager Stanton seems to be heading in the direction of more out-sourcing, here's one for you.

In today's paper there is a Lake Worth company that will come in to a business and help them save money by auditing their billing system for errors. The fee? They charge 50/50 if they can find ways of saving businesses money in their billing operations from wrong rate schedules and just plain mistakes. What if we could get them to go several steps forward in their business plan and come in and audit our entire city?

We have yet to get an audit for 2008. 2009 fiscal year will end in 23 days. My question has always been how do you set a budget when we don't even have an audit. I have been told that it is "simple," you just do it. Ok, then, let's call this company and see if they will expand their horizons and help out the very city in which they do business. It's worth a shot. :)

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