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Thursday, September 3, 2009
We need to get out from under that Rock
The illegal (alien) immigrant situation in this country has been hidden under a rock--the forbidden topic. No one in government has been doing one thing about it, wringing their hands, “Oh my, what to do,” as more of them sneak over our borders and take advantage of our system and prosperity that hard-working legal residents have developed. We, as citizens, kept bringing it up to no avail. There are multitudes of talk-radio shows on the subject and television personalities such as Glenn Beck. Scott Maxwell even has his own show devoted solely to the topic and how illegal aliens are undermining this country.
Ever since President Obama’s mission to rage ahead with socialized healthcare reform, giving medical care to everyone in this country, the illegal immigration issue reared its ugly head once again. Obama says that the illegal immigrant is not covered under our healthcare plan but we know that he is. This time, perhaps something will be done about it. When it means that taxpayers will have to pay for non-citizens, people sit up and take notice.
“I’d like to create a situation where we’re dealing with illegal immigration, so that we don’t have illegal immigrants,” Obama said. Well, what exactly does that mean? Give them all amnesty? Shoe them out of the country?
Click HERE for a complete list of those on the House Ways and Means Committee who opposed the amendment denying illegal aliens from coverage.
There is no enforceability to Section 246. Now we are experiencing a labor law investigation showing horrible conditions and workers being taken advantage of in every way possible because they are undocumented. Click here to read the report--Center for Economic Development
Illegal immigration is again in the minds of our feds. It is way past time that they take action. Undocumented immigrants are driving up the number of people without health insurance. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates that “59% of the nation's illegal immigrants are uninsured, compared with 25% of legal immigrants and 14% of citizens. Illegal immigrants represent about 15% of the nation's 47 million uninsured people — and about 30% of the increase since 1980.”
"If you want to do something that will have a meaningful impact on the problem of the uninsured, then you must talk about undocumented immigrants," says James Smith, a senior economist at the RAND Corporation.
It is imperative that we come out from under that rock. We need to do more than talk.
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