Friday, September 25, 2009

Stuff Going On

Lake Worth Attorney, Robert H. Springer, was publicly reprimanded following a July 2 court order. (Admitted to practice: 1973) What did he do? After representing a client in a matter, Springer improperly represented another person in the same matter in which that person’s interests were adverse to the interests of the former client. (Case No. SC09-971)

Two people were drinking beer in their driveway in Lake Wroth. Two men walked up to the victims and demanded money. When the victims said they didn't have any money one of the criminals pulled out a gun and shot one of the victims in the left shoulder before pistol-whipping the other man in the head. This area of the City continues to speak out on all the crime to no avail. How is that 91 year old gun toting naked man doing, by the way?

PB County Commissioner Steve Abrams voted against the 14.9% tax hike for the County and his political opponent, Pamela Goodman, calls him “despicable, disgusting and unconscionable.” Way to get votes Pamela!

West Palm Beach takes the same line as the Sheriff when they tell us that crime is dropping. What they want as a reward? Step salary increases instead of a salary freeze. Go Lois.

The House voted 406 to 18 to eliminate all premium increases for Medicare next year. Good thing as COLA will not be increased. Originally seniors were the only honest Group not part of any Stimulus consisting of 42 million elderly and disabled. All of our area congressmen voted for this. It now goes to the Senate.

The U.S. along with President Obama endorsed a strategy to halt the spread of nuclear weapons at the Union Security Council yesterday asking for a “world of undiminished security for all.” The bad guys, Iran, say no way—they say that its nuclear program is for civilian energy purposes while they still want to blow up Israel.

The local election seems mighty quiet to me. I guess Saturday Jo-Ann Golden will have her first door to door blitz with her literature. Sunday night Laurence McNamara will have another fund-raiser at his home from 7 to 10pm.

Susan Stanton must have thought our commission meeting did not go according to plan (citizens asked questions on spending over $23 million on our RO and $10 million on a bond plus millions that the County wants to charge us for getting out of their awful contract) because when the meeting adjourned she asked Laurence if he was sure he really wanted to be Mayor. This town is tough.

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