Thursday, September 10, 2009

Scott Maxwell's Kick-Off Party

As Scott is a friend of mine and we agree on the illegal immigration issue, I was curious as to what his direction is for Lake Worth and about his run for Commissioner District 1, my district. So, last night I migrated downtown to Brogues to see what was happening. Mort Kuff, campaign photographer was there.

This was a great party with fabulous buffet. The food, drink and people were vibrant. The bulk of the Maxwell supporters stayed for the first hour in order to hear Scott's speech. I briefly chatted with Dave Vespo who has always been a pleasant guy. There were many "interesting" people there one of whom was Clifford Clark, former City Commissioner. Scott appears to have good organization and Greg Rice is on his Finance Committee.

Retha gave a speech saying that she went to Scott and asked him to run for her seat as she was retiring. Scott did not go to her...Scott has always been a gentleman and the race they were in together was positive. She brought up the year when she lost the commission seat to Scott by 34 votes and how much that had hurt her. She, afterall, has been involved in Lake Worth politics for several dozen years. Retha is famous for her one-liners and last night was no exception when she said, "We can do more damage on the back seat than on the dais."

Scott Maxwell said that we need to look at the budget, make some good sound business decisions and put the community in the direction we were going 6 to 8 years ago, saying that we have more taxes, more fees and we need to take the Commission in a different direction. Scott also said, "Some of the things that have divided us in the past don't count."

1 comment:

  1. Scott has done an excellent job dividing the city now that he has been elected. This commissioner does not like anything, not even himself.
