Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Rebecca Hinson on the Lake Worth Beach

Bird at Lake Osborne,
Singing the right tune

The night Rebecca Hinson spoke at City Hall, she was dynamic and hit the "progressive" Commission right between the eyes with truth. No one has an objection to refurbishing our beachfront property. However, to do what this Commission voted to do is arbitrary to common sense...taking $5 million to redesign parking lots and remove convenient parking at the upper level as well as losing control to PB County is stupid. This is not about decal passes for Lake Worth residents. It is about the total "green" insanity that is going on here. The right of the people to vote was discarded. Just ask the people who go to our beach. This is Ms. Hinson's Letter to the Editor of the PB Post printed today--

Lake Worth must reject beach deal with county

If Lake Worth accepted the deal from Palm Beach County, as The Post wants the city to do, we essentially would be selling our beach to the county for a measly $5 million. And our tax dollars would maintain it for the county. In exchange, the county would limit resident access to 30 decal spaces. Currently, 994 residents who hold parking decals can park anywhere at the beach.

If we spruce up the casino hall and rent it on weekends, and offer pool passes, we can generate income, along with the parking revenue, and plant our own trees and grass and rearrange our beach layout ourselves, while maintaining decal parking.

My pleas are falling on the deaf ears of Commissioners Cara Jennings, Jo-Ann Golden and Suzanne Mulvehill. Mayor Jeff Clemens and Commissioner Retha Lowe oppose this insanity. Thirty spots for 994 residents with decals is the commissioners' plan. Do the math.


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