Monday, September 21, 2009

Realtor's Association of the Palm Beaches' candidate's questionnaire--

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Along with all the normal information they require, such as have you ever been convicted of a crime, the questions are rather revealing, somewhat nosey and in a lot of cases depending on your current profession that sometimes can skew a point of view, you won't have a chance with this Group, if you're honest, that is..

Some of the questions (condensed)--

1. What major endorsements have you received in this campaign?
2. Amount budgeted to date?
3. How much money have you raised?
4. Current cash on hand
5. Will you accept PAC contributions?
6. What are the demographics of your district?
7. Have any polls been taken? What are the results?
8. Why are you running?
9. List 5 most important issues and how you plan on addressing them
10. How would you handle a tight budget year? Would you raise taxes?
11. Did you support the passage of Amendment 1 in 2008?
12. If elected, would you elect to increase the millage or keep it the same?
13. What ideas do you have to stimulate your city's economy?
14. What is your view on the city’s policy regarding signage, particularly temporary real estate signs in a slumping market?
15. Would you be in favor of requiring a supermajority vote to approve zoning changes?
16. What is your stance on Hometown Democracy?
17. Do you support height limitations in Lake Worth? If so, at what height and in which areas?
18. Do you know any Realtors®? If so please list their names below:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for running this article. I won't be voting for anyone that the Realtor's Association endorses ! Katie
