Friday, September 18, 2009

Quote of the Day

The definition of "negative" to some in this city is when you do NOT agree with them.
Lynn Anderson

There are some who continue to ride the coattails of others instead of just writing their own article.

I welcome debate and rebuttal but it is still sport to a few as they use your face in graphics with the sole purpose to ridicule. To some, having a viewpoint other than theirs is totally unacceptable and they continue to go after you with a vengeance. My advice--Debate the issue; don't ridicule. That is juvenile.

Instead of ever agreeing with you on anything, they prefer to find the one statement, the one opinion that is opposite than theirs and focus on that to bring the author to his knees by condemning it or by using inappropriate satire. What they accuse you of being, they are. It just shows that real issues are not as important as the attack, not as important as "falling into their line."

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