Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mark Bates

Mark Bates speaking at the Masonic Temple regarding cost
of merging with Sheriff's Department

Our city manager is an anomaly to me. She knew months ago that she was going to replace Mark Bates and eliminate his position and restructure Finance. Why does she wait until he leaves to find a replacement? I just can't figure this one out.

Stanton is hiring Connie Hoffman, Senior Vice President of The Mercer Group again. If there is anyone I don't trust, it is she, but since she was the headhunter in back of the Susan Stanton finding, we are probably stuck with her for life.

I have always personally liked Mark Bates. I can say that he returns my phone calls and gives me an explanation on the whys of it even if I don't understand anything on the balance sheet. He said that he gave advice to the city on major decisions that often times was ignored from the dais. Maybe that was a good thing, who knows. He is always polite to the public. Even knowing he would be gone, he stayed in the position, a company man until the end and always gave the city manager credit where perhaps it was not even due. He has some class. Good luck, Mark.

Read the ARTICLE

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