Monday, September 7, 2009

The Labor Center on Labor Day

Go to Lake Worth Media and see the video footage taken today.

Under the Terms of our Lease agreement, The Mentoring Center is required to maintain, at its sole expense, the Premises located at 1121 Lucerne Avenue in a clean and orderly and presentable condition, free of rubbish and trash. Also, the Tenant is responsible to fix that broken screen among other things.

If you notice, one of the flood lights was left on in broad daylight. It was the middle of the day. As the City of Lake Worth pays for electric, this needs to be addressed.

Now, realizing this is a Holiday, I can give them some slack here, however, there has been complaint after complaint regarding the deplorable conditions at the Shuffleboard Court Building. We have had public testimony of that fact. Is it too much to ask of them for $1 a year?

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