Thursday, September 10, 2009

Going along for the Ride

Although I did not stay for the entire Budget meeting (no reason to--everything was going to be passed anyway), one thing was apparent-- the City is not dealing with problems creatively. They are only increasing their bottom line by raising fees. The source of our problems still exists. Does anyone really think that property values are all of a sudden going to increase? Wait until next year.

The original 5.9999 was bogus; it was always going to be 4.9999 and that's what the Commission voted in. This was to make the City Manager look like some hero by "lowering" the millage one point. Now add in the debt service and this brings it to 5.340. Next, add in the MSTU of 3.4581 and you have a whopping total of 8.7891. REMEMBER--last year we paid 7.65 (inlcuded Fire Rescue) plus .2328 in debt service for a grand total of 7.8728. Next, think of all the other taxes on your ad valorem that have gone up...think about all the fees that the City has now increased, and you are paying through the teeth.

AND THEY KEEP TELLING YOU THAT YOU ARE PAYING LESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We know Mayor that the City is making $2 million less in taxes. Why is that? Is it the resident taxpayer's fault here? What has driven down the property values so much? Look for the source and clean it up. Let's get Lake WORTH back in the hands of CITIZENS and owner occupied dwellings.

I am rather certain the INCREASED electric fee was voted in. This will hurt business coming into the city not to mention the business already here. This will really hurt the residents here. The city Commission just went along with the City Manager's budget never understanding any other solution. What about waste? No one mentioned that ugly word at all.

Raising taxes; raising fees to keep the same dilapidated city and Status Quo--NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

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