Thursday, September 24, 2009

For the Birds

While at Benny's upper deck this morning having breakfast, Katie and I were watching the birds on the beach. A woman had left her blanket to go up to the boardwalk. On the blanket was a plastic bag and these birds flew down to investigate. They proceeded to open the plastic bag and literally pull items from it looking for whatever smelled good.

This bird was at the table directly behind Peter Timm who always sits at the outside decking. He managed to scarf up what was left in this little sugar packet.

We talked to Mr. Timm about last nights' meeting and what happened to Arcadis. He is of the same opinion as we--it was for the birds. Bill and I will be talking about that tonight on his radio show. Go to Lake Worth Media at 7 pm and click on the bar near the top of his home page.

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