Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Emerging from the Cocoon - The Powerplay

Last night’s CRA meeting was perhaps the most boring of any meeting I have ever attended. It was also the first meeting where Commissioner Donna Ross came into her own. Of course, there were only two members out of the original Board that remained.

Ross has always taken a back seat to the former members who had years of experience and it seemed at times that she took a timid approach. One of the few occasions where she showed aggressiveness was when she first appointed Brendan Lynch as Chair only to have that political move squashed by the City Commission that did not re-appoint him.

Last night Ross made a motion to appoint Peter Meyerhoefer (a member who received the least amount of votes from the City Commission when appointed) as the new Chair even before the Board had a chance to even know a little about themselves, some of them meeting for the very first time. Member Michael Hyde suggested that each member introduce themselves first before a vote. When it came to Ms. Ross, she poignantly said that this was the first time that she had been “involved in politics.”

Using the tactics of a seasoned politician, Ross moved swiftly and used her power once again, lobbying for Peter Meyerhoefer, thus throwing Grimm, the obvious and well-rounded choice, who had been there the longest and one who had received the most confidence votes when appointed by the City Commission, under the dais.

This appointment must now go before the City Commission for approval.


  1. Last night's F.A.B.interview was not about decreasing the Lake Worth only, 10 millage rate, by creating revenue to help reduce Citizens' residential taxes, but creating more theorizing by bureaucrats,some from the County. Why are they in Lake Worth? Are we the receptacle of the County's rejects?'Lake Worth needs to make more money with their own, unused resources,I know of 5 with total tremendous revenue producing potential!
    Not one of the 3 Commmission members who showed up last night for the interviews
    knew them.Working with clever F.A.B members those 5 can be made a reality and our poor can get fiscal relief!
    2 intelligent, professional Members quit
    the previous boring talkatons.

  2. Emerging from a poisoned cocoon!

    The creature emerging from that poisoned coccon, ignores the fact that the CRA Vice Chair,an appoinment reward for killing Evenings On the Avenue, from the Cara supprters elected,trio Mulvehill,McVoy,and supreme labeler, Golden.

    Ed Grimm, a builder, knows all about the City and is proven to be the Confidence vote getter of that collection of.......!The Chair is promoting spending our Grant money out of Town(Lauderdale ,Hollywood etc.)not eliminating blight.
    Voted $10,000,- pay increase for Director for spending our money out of Town,doing Out of Town business.
    70 City Hall employees were fired, for budgetary reasons.

    Evenings on the Avenue was a major source for businesses for our Downtown merchants. The Downtown Cultural Association forced a friend ,Salibi, to be authorized to take over with a losing proposition, "Hot air" on the Plaza, voted for, by the same trio against revenue generation at this economically difficult time.
    They want to show their power over our Commission seats, by sinking the City fiscally, with irresponsible, radical actions.Appointing a jail-bird to our Conservative Board seat!Hahahaha!.Their voter support, radicals.Race riot instigators.

    The same trio which, with labeling, votes down every Citizens' effort to bring revenue creation, for 10 millage rate reduction, with existing resources, like the water bottling Laurence McNamara proposed and explained how it can be realized,NOW.
