Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dancing with the Candidates on Illegal immigration

Give me a break

Illegal immigration. No one wants to talk about this in Lake Worth. The candidates dance around the issue like it will come back and poke them in the eye. We have faith based groups involved in the encouragement and condonable action allowed by our City. We have a group that is supported from the public till that has convinced our commission that this is the Godly thing to do…educate and find jobs for our illegals, after all, they are just as important in the eyes of God. They all put a guilt trip on you. For not to believe that all human beings are valued would make you evil.

It reminds me of the Veterinarian who knows your dog has cancer but prescribes deadly medicine for it while it suffers, working on your heartstrings to do the right thing. And $1,000 dollars and two months later, your beloved pet passes on. The guilt trip of caring. It's used all of the time in various ways by master manipulators.

Doing what is right is obeying the laws of the land. That has not been done here in Lake Worth.

We constantly read about the illegal alien that has committed atrocious crimes. Just yesterday there was the article about Felix R. Sorto Velasquez who was finally captured in Virginia for a 2006 rape in Lake Worth. He is also being held for federal immigration officials.

Read about one of Arizona's most popular illegal alien crossing routes and the guy who followed it finding piles of garbage, trampled public lands, angry residents and the suspected presence of a vicious gang.

After talking to various people in other parts of the country on this issue, it seems that it is only Lake Worth that takes a blind eye to it all. How will our candidates approach this serious and costly problem to Lake Worth? I guess we'll find out on October 1, the first candidate's forum.

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