Monday, September 14, 2009

Dancing on a Pin -- the Pinhead Politician

What is worse? Advocating your own agenda as an elected official or "playing politics?"

All the candidates have problems with me when they don’t look at our situation squarely in the eye. Some say, well the illegal problem is a Federal issue and continue to bury their heads in the sand. Others say, well we have to get those day laborers off the streets and this is the only way we can do it. When a candidate ends up believing his own dance card then he can't and won't solve this problem.

Wes Blackman has the ideal opportunity to forge ahead in tackling one of the root causes of our crisis here in Lake Worth—the illegal alien situation and Lake Worth being a Sanctuary City. The only ones who have had the guts to promote their cause are the area Socialists and they are winning.

This is not a subject to dance around. This is a problem that the MAJORITY of our residents continue to complain about…continue to deal with on a daily basis. It is real and it is growing and spreading. We have a Commission that puts more importance on the rights of illegals than its own citizens, you know, the ones who pay the bills.

Our last Commission got a Mentoring Center in place at our Shuffleboard Court, a Lessee that has totally ruined our property. It is a failed project. Those opposed to it (Lowe and Vespo) took Wes's position. I asked Dave Vespo the other night if he was writing Blackman' position on this issue. When you have your property values drop by almost 24%, and your taxes go up, you need to look at the causes.

This is not about the location of an illegal hiring hall and paying a $million to re-locate it. It IS about condoning it to begin with.

Wes is dancing on a pin when he takes the following stand: I don't support it in its current location and I don't support preferring the Center's needs over private sector businesses that have to jump through unending hoops in order to open. There are other places. I would like to see it taken over completely by a non-profit entity and not rely on the city for support.

Why are candidates so afraid of advocating for what’s right? Every single one of them has not come out publicly as a candidate on this issue. They have not shown leadership and keep dancing around it. Candidates rise above the bull and stand up for citizens otherwise we will always continue to have “pinhead politicians” running our city. We don’t want more of the same. Just take a look around you? Is this what you want?

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