Monday, September 28, 2009

Crist and Rubio Polls plus FPL

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What is happening to Charlie in the polls? His own home county's executive committee will be taking a vote in December. Will he be able to hold Pinellas? Votes taken so far:
  • Marion County GOP, Rubio 40, Crist 8, abstain 4;
  • Hernando County GOP, Rubio 46, Crist 0;
  • Gilchrist County GOP, Rubio 11, Crist 1;
  • Republican Women's Club of Duval Federated, Rubio 65, Crist 4;
  • Northwest Orange Republican Women Federated, Rubio 49, Crist 3;
  • Jefferson County GOP, Rubio 30, Crist 6;
  • Highlands County GOP, Rubio 75, Crist 1;
  • Pasco County GOP, Rubio 73, Crist 9;
  • Lee County GOP, Rubio 60, Crist 9;
  • Florida Federation of College Republicans, Rubio 19, Crist 6;
  • Bay County GOP, Rubio 23, Crist 2.
What does this all mean? I haven't been reading much about our Governor lately. As Marco Rubio said, "You've got the highest unemployment rate in Florida since 1975. It's fair to ask, Who is in charge? Who is working on these things?" Rubio has challenged Crist to a series of debates. "When your campaign is 100 percent fundraising and 0 percent public policy, I think voters should be asking questions."

I think they are when you look at these polls.

In the meantime, FPL is playing hardball with Governor Crist who says NO to a $1.3 billion rate increase. FPL just announced that it will raise its rates by $900 million beginning January 4 without waiting for the Public Service Commission's decision. They could care less what Charlie thinks.

FPL officials say, "we need the revenue from higher rates to harden infrastructure against hurricanes and build hurricane reserves that are used after storms to ensure minimal power disruption to customers. The $12.40 increase on the base rate of a typical 1,000 kilowatt-hour residential FPL bill would be offset by a roughly $17 decrease in the fuel charge in 2010 (that's based on FPL projections for better fuel efficiency)."

The FPL spin: A net savings of $5 per month. Let's see what Governor Crist can do about this.


  1. According to the Post figures, FPL rates will descrease 9% (see August article)over the next two years. The Sentinel article points out that even if FPL gets a base rate increase, the reduction in its fuel costs will still lower rates. LWU rates are going up 8% and it's not fuel or base rate related... its only because politicians want to waste more of our money.

    Political advertisement paid for and approved by William Coakley for Mayor

  2. Marco Rubio made sure that no bill to control Florida's flood of illegal immigrants made it to the legislature. Marco killed the bills.Rubio lied trough his very pearly whites to the people and organizations wanting some limit to the illegal tide.Charlie(I'm not gay )Crist who sold his soul to very developer in the state, or Marco Rubio,the guy who never met an illegal alien he didn't love.What a great choice for Florida!
