Saturday, September 19, 2009

City Manager to Lift Ban

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Through a series of e-mails yesterday and ending at 10:09pm last night, the City Manager has agreed to lift the ban/block at Lake Worth Media. Susan Stanton indicated that now that he (William Coakley) is a candidate, she "will remove the block."

This is a start in the right direction. All blocks to all web sites other than those that are illegal, should be removed immediately in order to preserve the First Amendment. Restrictions of this nature never work and do more to bring down morale.

The City should have nothing to fear but the wrath of employees if it continues to restrict access to local information blogs or web sites. I have been told that there is already a policy in place whereas employees are allowed to view web sites during their lunch or personal time. To restrict this even further gives the very strong impression that the City is not open and transparent and is involved in a cover-up or has something to hide.


  1. Lynn

    Isn't this disingenuous dissembling on the part of Susan Stanton. Was not Coakley a candidate before his website was blocked?

    Furthermore, would it not be appropriate for a complete explanation to be forthcoming of how and why Coakley's site came to be blocked? And by whom?

  2. We are unsure how long this block has been in effect. My blog was/is also blocked. I would like very much to learn how it came about. The only thing that I do know, according to the city manager, it was not anyone from the utility Dept.

  3. Ok,

    The email exchange you reference above, who were the parties to this exchange? If you have them on the record add it to the record: why not amend your report with the emails.

    I, for one, would like as complete a chronology as possible as to who said what, and when.


  4. The e-mails are from the city manager. I want to wait until Monday to ascertain that the block(s) have been removed before proceeding further.

  5. Didn't Ms Stabton tout an open door policy when she was a candidate for our city manager ? I guess something got lost in the translation! Katie
