Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Citizens defense of her did not faze Jennings

Last night, during public commentary, several citizens spoke up in defense of Commissioner Jennings and the outrageous breach of decorum of Planning & Zoning Vice Chair, Phil Spinelli, when he called her a Liar on Monday night, not just once but three times. It was rather surprising. What got him so excited was the simple fact that Jennings disagreed with him. What surprised some of the crowd in attendance was that the Mayor did not ask him to leave the Chamber after his discourse.

We have all come down to acceptance and acquiescence of this so called, freedom of speech. People nowadays believe that they can say anything to you and you should role over and play dead and say thanks. Here in Lake Worth, the bully attacks started with a local talk forum and now it has resulted in an appointed Board member showing the ultimate disrespect towards a City Commissioner, an elected official. No one should have to put up with this behavior. I remember when a former Commissioner was shockingly ugly towards our former Mayor, Mark Drautz when he was on the dais. This sort of act should never be condoned.

Jennings later said that she was the one who originally said that the Spinelli action was okay with her and that what she thought was inappropriate were those speaking in front of the dais against immigrants. With some people, you just can’t even defend decency. They will bite the hand that feeds them.

Commissioner Jennings—we are not talking about immigrants. I, as is everyone in this country, are the offspring of immigrants. What we are talking about, Commissioner Jennings, is the ILLEGAL alien who has come to our country uninvited and has not assimilated legally, who is a drag on our system and on the citizens here, who, if you don’t know, have enough of their own problems with which to contend.

One of the local open border advocates said that we all should “merge” together. No we shouldn’t. Illegal aliens need to go through the process of coming to the United States the legal way. Then we can talk about “merging.” If that citizen wants to merge, I say, let her go to Mexico, Haiti, Guatemala, wherever and merge there. Do it legally though.

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