Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Charlie says “we need change.”

Didn’t we hear that line in the last presidential election?

We know all about flip-flops.It happens all of the time in politics. Now that the tide is turning and Obama’s numbers keep free falling, Crist now says that Obama will be a one term President. Well, they are in different political parties afterall.

It was only seven months ago when president Obama was in Florida pushing the government give-away Stimulus, allowing Florida to fall into the trap of socialistic governmental hand-outs. Charlie was all for it…great thing for the State of Florida. Now he is afraid that the President is going too fast and too furious and will have a similar fate as did Jimmy Carter.

America is awake and we're coming back," he said Friday. The National debt is $11.4 TRILLION and ticking. Where was Charlie before we got into this mess?

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