Thursday, September 17, 2009

ACORN loses funding

Looking at only the good things that ACORN does (are there any?), Robert Wexler voted NO today because of what he considered unconstitutional language when it came to cutting off funds to this group placing him in a minority of those still supporting a highly questionable enterprise.

The vote was 345 to 75. Alcee Hastings, the most liberal Congressman we have in the State of Florida, voted simply by stating “present.” On the correct side of the vote were Ron Klein and Tom Rooney who well understood that this is an entity with multiple problems not to mention the latest expose which shows ACORN employees advising a supposed pimp and prostitute on how to set up a business and hide income and another case on smuggling illegals into the country.

Whatever were you thinking Congressman Wexler?

What Bertha Lewis, ACORN'S CEO says--

The behavior of some ACORN employees has been completely indefensible, but make no mistake -- the resulting sideshow is being fueled by the Right to distract all of us from the truth. And the truth is this: ACORN's work is invaluable. We make sure the have-nots and have-lesses get some say and some political power in this country -- and the people protecting the status quo have never been a big fan of that.

The conservative answer to ACORN, Freedom Nuts

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