Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where She Was

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Now we know why Commissioner Jennings was not at the Lake Worth City Commission Workshop yesterday.

“Don’t poison us. Don’t poison Florida. Don’t nuke this State," so said Cara Jennings, a Lake Worth City Commissioner who is concerned about the environment.

Frankly, the BEACH DECALS are more important! She did call into the meeting briefly but then the phone went dead. Remember the last time she was demonstrating in Miami. Take care of business, Commissioner. Nuclear energy is clean and green.

Click here for the ARTICLE


  1. Nuclear energy has a two pronged benefit to all citizens in Florida. Naturally, the initial benefit would be the electrical energy generated from such a unit. But the second, and far more important benefit, would be that a nuclear power plant is capable of producing millions of gallons of fresh water from the worlds most abundant source.....salt water.

    Solving the energy crisis while protecting the environment and supplying fresh water to communities are benefits that cannot be ignored.

  2. We own part of a nuclear plant. At the time the purchase was controversial only because of price. Today, it is the cheapest energy we have.
