Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Utility Bill

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Has anyone noticed that we now mail our bill to TAMPA? First of all, under the former regime and spearheaded by Nadine Burns, the City eliminated the drive-up window. I always thought this just plain resident unfriendly. There are many in this City who do not have checking accounts. Now they have to drive to the Annex, find a parking space and go in to a waiting room full of people.

We used to mail our payment to PO Box 404, Lake Worth. Now we mail it to PO Box 30552 in Tampa.

Quote from someone in the know: In June, the City entered into an agreement with Intuition Systems Corporation. Intuition is a third-party payment processor who receives and posts all of our "mailed" payments.The payment information is transmitted to us electronically, and the moneys collected are transmitted directly to our depository bank on a daily basis.Their home office is located in Jacksonville, but their payment processing center is in the Tampa area.

I don't recall this decision to outsource this service. How many employees did this affect? How much money are we saving?


  1. So you didn't find any problem with cars lined up along Lake Ave. 7 or 8 times a month whle they were waiting to get into the drive through window? It was a constant traffic jam over there. It's better off without the window open. It's the same illegals that you're always screaching about that don't have checking accounts. Now you say they are being treated unfairly because they have to go into the office to pay their bills. Which is it?

  2. "Screaching" is something that I do not do. I talk rather calmly and firmly if you know me.

    Because I am against illegal aliens invading our city, our State and our Country does not negate the fact that we make it difficult for some people here to pay their bills. This City is allowing illegal immigration. Therefore, we need to make it easy for people without checking accounts to pay us the money they owe...not harder.

    What is your solution to all the bad debts, a cost that WE are paying.

    Next time, sign your name to your comment otherwise, challenge someone else.
