Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Sun is Rising on Sunset

Comment Up
Well, Wes did a blog against Sunset, his usual spiel. There are a few who through undying loyalty agree with him against the Sunset neighborhood. One of them calling those of us trying to preserve the single family residential neighborhood "whackos." Wes is inferring that we were drinking the Kool-Aid. He is showing that 36 units would be allowed there per the County. We say, let Sunset Holdings go back to the County then. This is only 4 units short of what they agreed to with Commissioner Burns' assemblage.
What our Ordinances say--
7 du/net acre Intent.
The "single-family residential district, 7 du/net acre" is intended primarily to permit development of one (1) single-family structure per lot. Single-family structures are designed for occupancy by one (1) family or household. Single-family structures do not include accessory apartments or other facilities which permit occupancy by more than one (1) family or household. Provision is made for a limited number of nonresidential uses for the convenience of residents. These nonresidential uses are compatible by reason of their nature and limited frequency of occurrence with an overall single-family residential character. The "single-family residential district" implements the "single-family residential" land use category of the Lake Worth Comprehensive Plan. Use restrictions in single-family residential district, 7 du/net acre. uses permitted by right in SF-7 district.
A. One (1) single-family structure on any platted lot of record.
B. Essential services.
C. Group homes, Type I, subject to regulations as set forth in section use permitted as special land uses in SF-7 district.
A. Cemeteries, public and private.
B. Churches, synagogues and other houses of worship.
C. Light utility facilities, including the following:
Electrical substations
Gas regulator stations
Major transmission lines
Telephone exchange and transmission equipment buildings
Railroad rights-of-way
Water pumping stations
D. Public indoor neighborhood recreation and service facilities such as neighborhood centers, gymnasiums, indoor swimming pools and indoor tennis courts.
E. Public outdoor neighborhood recreation facilities such as golf courses, parks, outdoor swimming pools and outdoor tennis courts.
F. Schools, elementary.
G. Schools, intermediate and secondary offering courses in general and vocational education but not offering courses which involve the regular use of heavy equipment out of doors. uses permitted by right in the SF-7 district.
A. Garages.
B. Boat docks and boat lifts.
C. Home occupations.
D. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment essential or customarily incidental to the daily operations within a primary residential structure shall be allowed in the rear setback and/or between the main structure and a public street provided that it meets the landscape code requiring that the equipment must be screened from view of the right-of-way. In addition, mechanical, electrical and plumbing equipment can be located in the side setback provided that a product information or engineering report is supplied indicating that the equipment does not generate more than seventy-six (76) decibels measured at the property line. This provision can be used by property owners of existing structures only.
E. Permanent standby generators (generators) may be used only during periods of electrical power outages in the utility system. Only one (1) generator shall be allowed per residential unit. Property owners of existing structures will be allowed to have generators as an accessory use subject to the following requirements:
1. Located in the rear setback if the property is not located on an alley;
2. Located in side setback with a maximum height of thirty (30) inches including the concrete pad;
3. Operated for exercising purposes once per week Monday thru Friday between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. for a period not to exceed ten (10) minutes.
4. Submitted with a product information or engineering report indicating the noise level shall not encroach any neighboring residential property in excess of one hundred (100) decibels measured from the property line.
5. Sized to power the essential electric circuits.
6. Submitted with a site plan indicating the location and distance of the adjacent residences from the generator.
7. If the generator is located in the side yard, a landscape plan must be submitted indicating the landscape or screening used to prevent visibility from the right-of-way.
8. A site plan indicating the location and distance to property lines and openings (doors, windows, vents, etc.) in the habitable structures as required by all applicable development codes.
9. Natural gas is the only allowable fuel, except for those areas not served by natural gas.
10. For areas not served by natural gas, the property owner must identify the type of fuel used.
As an Intervenor, I have no problem with the City of Lake Worth uses however I must say that use consistency is the key.

When the Sunset investors go back to the County, they will have to pay around $400,000 in development rights to build their 36 units in an MF-5 County zoning. They will have to put in all the infrastructure at their cost. Three stories will not be allowed.


  1. Hope Wes is not running for office here in Lake Worth. He will be blown out of the water. Why does he want to antagonize an entire neighborhood and the majority in the city? Is he that removed from reality? Talk about koolaid.

  2. Does his buddy Dan Winkle who lives in that neighborhood agree with him too? Woose.

  3. Guess u people prefer Half Way Houses (Type 1) Lets see Condos or Crack Heads?

    or how about a real Big Pretty Cell Tower that may come w/ things such as cancer?

    I know, you'll wanna change the sf- ordinances next and waste some more tax dollars.

    Sure u won't post this comment as you didn't post my last one Re:Sunset.

    Now, who's the Big Shot in the Shade?

  4. First of all, these investors are not going to put a cell tower on that property. They are only interested in making the MOST money they possibly can with the least amount of expense. They are there to flip the property as soon as they get a zoning change. So, let's not be so naively uninformed. More than likely if I did not post your last comment it is because it was not appropriate. This one isn't either but it just shows everyone how desperate you are. Go back to the County and build to your heart's content.

  5. Cell companies install them for free and multipule steams of income from these towers happen. One company leases it from the land owner, then sub leases with other companies, they keep a portion of the money & the rest goes to the land owner. leases can can pay up to 50k per month to land owner but average 10-15k per mth. Serious money for a land owner etc... So, whos desperate?

  6. So what's your interest? Are you Kintz or Lang? And who cares if there is a celltower there. There will not be a lot of traffic, overcrowding, rental units, illegals, who knows. A cell tower..ok with me...and build a community garden around it.

  7. Too funny. Do you all realize they bought the property for 1.5 mil. Do you think leasing a cell tower will even pay the mortgage? Get real.

  8. In what type of neighborhood does the person who made the cell tower comment live ? Why the venom against one of the few decent neighborhoods left in Lake Worth ?We citizens who made the decisions to live in single family neighborhoods should not have to worry about being forced out of our neighborhoods by multifamily zoning . The land speculators/flippers that bought the property with pie in the sky dollar signs in their eyes are only going to put something on that property which maximizes their profits.As long as what is put there fits a single family 7( or lower) zoning ,we welcome it.Remember,what happens in my neighborhood can happen in your neighborhood. We all need to support our fellow neighborhoods throughout the city.

  9. Lang and Kintz are two land speculators among thousands who got screwed in a bad business deal when the real estate bubble burst.Ray Smith and his greedy wife Carol are laughing all the way to the bank.I have as much sympathy for Lang and Kintz as they had for the people of the Lake Osborne neighborhood.NONE!

  10. They are going to sue. I read it in the Herald. Then what? You people keep costing the city money by all these law suits.

  11. Hey MORON- LANG and KINTZ are the one's who MIGHT sue the city , so much for "you people" costing the city money! I hope that Lang and Kintz do get talked into an expensive,drawn out legal battle by their attorney, who needs the work !Home Town Democracy will be passed in 2010 and they'll REALLY be screwed!!! Hey MORON- go tell your friend KINTZ to build his condo dream next door to his house in ATLANTIS !!!!

  12. that's all you people ever do--sue. You have lawsuit Larry running for Mayor. You had exline. Don't you know when to quit?

  13. Well then, the City needs to stop giving citizens reason to sue. It is pathetic when we have to resort to that action. Do you really think that we want to spend our time and money over 4 years to defend and protect our neighborhood from corrupt politicians who were on the P&Z and City Commission that voted to do this to a neighborhood? Politicians who voted to turn over our beach to a scam artist?... Who voted to erect a building like The Lucerne?... Who voted on special deals for their friends?

  14. Those guys want the MF-20 zoning. That agreement to build 40 is worthless. They will build 80.

  15. Do you really live in that nieghborhood in a single family home? There's a strong rumor you lived in a high density condo? What's the truth?

  16. Did I ever say that I lived in the Sunset neighborhood? I don't have to live in that neighborhood to defend the principle of single family neighborhoods. Condos are appropriate in certain areas. Mine has been here since 1966. I don't know why you continue to make the same argument about high density. These are two story buildings that have been here for over 40 years. And, I thought you LIKED high density. Isn't that why you want 3 story townhouses on Sunset?

  17. Lynn, Why do you still have such a grudge against The Lucerne. Because of The Lucerne that block and the block to the east and the block to the west is the only area in the downtown area where new businesses are being opened. Sure, there was nothing there before The Lucerne, but the zoning was already in place for that height of building. And yes, there where concessions made by the city to the developer, (like there is for almost every developer going into a blighted area to do a project of that importance). I hate to think how the downtown might look like today if it hadn’t been built. I’m sure there where people living in the Lake Osborne area complained about Murry Hill before and after it was built because they liked the natural area that was there before. Is The Lucerne what you like, no. We all don’t like the same thing. That’s why Kilwin’s has so many different choices, if everyone wanted or liked the same thing this world would be very vanilla.

  18. Greg--We have really gotten off the beaten path here when we start talking about the Lucerne project when this is about Sunset. I don't like the Lucerne for a number of reasons a few of which are-

    The Lucerne--

    1. has NO green space
    2. has no setbacks
    3. totally non-conforming to the downtown
    4. The building would have been even higher if it were not for Laurence McNamara's insistence with Larry Karns that the City had exceeded its authority by trying to approve another 10 feet in height. He is the one who got it down to 65 ft.
    5. There was to be approx 100 public parking spaces
    6. After the developer got his guarantee from the CRA of $1.2 mil a year in tax rebates, the developer then--
    7. Took our the parking spaces.

    Murry Hills

    8. As far as Murry Hills is concerned, this is great housing for Seniors.
    9. They have grass and palm trees
    10. It is consistent with the other condos on Lake Osborne Drive.

    To sum it up-

    11. The Lucerne is why we desperately need an Architectural Review Board.

  19. Was employee of Kilday Co involved in Masilotti's illegal deals. He did not disclose conflict of interest when Kilday brought Sunset Town House project before him, and Planning&Zoning Board.a REGISTERED BUILDERS LOBBYIST!

    As Chairman of P.&Z.approved demolition of 30 historic homes, to accommodate Townhouse development.!!!

    Voted against all Lake Worth Citizens, who opposed Sunset Townhouse Development and approved the project!!!!!!

    Voted against all Citizens of College Park by approving intrusion of Courtyards of Lake Worth Townhouses into College Park.

    Approved building of Townhouses up to the side walks on Federal Highway

    Approved Lucerne condo at 78 feet violation of City Charter,65 feet.

    His reward - large contributions of OUT-OF-TOWN SPECIAL INTERESTS!
