Thursday, August 13, 2009

Seniors feel Punked by Obama's Healthcare Plan

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What some Seniors are saying--

Demonstrations against Obama's Healthcare Plan are springing up all over the country. Obama Healthcare Bill and how it ties in with ACORN--

READ THE ARTICLE and find out why so many people believe that there are problems with this Healthcare Plan.

A good BLOG on the subject.

Tea Party Patriots plan to invade this Town Hall Meeting with Robert Wexler.

Mitch Stewart, Director for Organizing for America, says "Many representatives are pushing hard toward reform, and they are taking a lot of heat from special interests. They deserve our thanks and need our support to continue the fight. But those who are still putting insurance companies and partisan point-scoring ahead of their constituents must know that voters are watching -- and that we expect better."

What does Mitch mean? Are the Seniors considered special interests or just taxpayers who have worked hard all their lives to get to where they are today and want to keep Medicare safe?

Obama wants to take $500 billion out of Medicare, a program that has been around for 44 years and has worked well for Seniors with the majority of citizens over 65 voting for the Republican ticket last election. As the Senior population keeps on growing, as does the illegal population that will be covered under Obama's Plan, Obama now says that the Illegal situation must wait until next year. Seniors are asking all the tough questions.


  1. Anyone seen the old movie "Soylent Green " ? It was on a couple of weekends ago. It doesn't seem like Sci-Fi anymore. In fact, in light of what the Govt. is trying to shove down our throats-It scares the crap out of me.Anyone over 65- why don't you all just beat the coming Govt mandates and walk quietly into the ocean now ? America has lots of young illegals that need your place in the coming health care lines.

  2. See the attitude of the fat-a##ed chick who left in a huff ? You just got a look at one of the bureaucrats who will control all of our health care. God help us all. Katie Mcgiveron
