Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Save Our Neighborhood, Inc. & Friends

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Ron Exline (Intervenor), Lynn Anderson-SON, Jennifer Marchal-SON, Betty Anderson-SON, Katie Mcgiveron-Chair SON, Tripp Ciocci (Intervenor) and Dante Ciocci.

to all the people who have helped us over the last four years, not only in the Lake Osborne Heights Neighborhood but throughout the City. There were many occasions that residents spoke out and supported us in front of the City Commission as well as the Planning & Zoning Board.

to friends of the PAC who supported us through thick and thin.

to spouses who put up with us for 4 years.

to all those who gave money.

to all those who petitioned and signed the petitions.

to our attorney, Lesley Blackner. Without her we would have been nothing.

to this City Commission for righting the wrong we give a special thanks: Retha, Cara, Jeff, Jo-Ann and Suzanne


  1. Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm so thankful to everyone. The comments on this page say it all better than I ever could. My only claim to fame is that I was incredibly,unbelievably,lucky enough to be surrounded by absolutely brilliant people.Everyone-thanks for not giving up. Katie Mcgiveron

  3. awesome , I'm happy too.

  4. Congrats to all of you for having the fortitude to stand up for your convictions. Well done.

  5. that is so awesome!!!! Talk about Sampson and Goliath! What they should have said in the article is that your group won a victory against the greedy developer bastards who only care about a buck, not people.

    How proud you and your comrades must feel!

    Very cool! Thanks for sharing this article.

  6. "Never believe that a small group of people can't change the world…
    indeed, they are the only ones who do." - Margaret Meade
