Wednesday, August 12, 2009


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For all you guys who feel safe out here--

Crime Stats for Lake Worth

Crime Risk Index

This city is hazardous duty for our Sheriff's deputies.


  1. I rarely see a sheriff vehicle unless I drive downtown. I rarely read about crime either. I think it's being covered up. They don't want to scare us.

  2. On September 29th, Cpt. Silva is scheduled to give a report on the Sheriff's Department and stats on crime, etc. Hopefully, we will get some sense of how they are doing to eradicate and/or bring down crime here in Lake Worth.

  3. In the Lake Osborne neighborhood where I live, there has been a HUGE increase in the police presence in our neighborhood. I can't say a big enough thank you to capt Silva and the other officers who actually now get to to patrol somewhere OTHER than Retha Lowe's neighborhood. When we were under the old Lake Worth police, when anything happened in my neighborhood, the stupid (yes, I said STUPID. As in DUMB,IGNORANT, UNEDUCATED,etc)dispatchers always told us to call the COUNTY !!! They didn't even know we belonged to the city of Lake Worth !!!! We NEVER,and I mean NEVVVVVVVER !!!!!!! saw a police car west of I-95. We never had any info on crime stats. Nothing. Now our neighborhood has a working relationship with our officers, and the neighbors are also taking a more active role in securing their own properties.Under the old Lake Worth Police, when Lynn Anderson and I were going door to door in all of Lake Worth's neighborhood(and I do mean ALL ), we could literally go all day without seeing one single police car on patrol in ANY neighborhood.EVER.We saw them driving up and down Dixie Highway, almost continuously .In a three week period , going out at all different times of the day to put up and then take down campaign signs and pass out literature ( Hi Rene,remember us ?)we only saw ONE patrol car in a neighborhood. It was on north D street, and it went by so fast that we could have been unloading a T.V and it wouldn't have seen us.The contract for the sheriff's office that we got stuck with really sucks (thanks to Dave Vespo ), but as for the coverage my neighborhood now has,thank goodness for the sheriff's office.Katie Mcgiveron
