Monday, August 17, 2009

Planning & Zoning

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Ron Exline resigned from the Planning & Zoning Board to become a candidate for Commissioner District 1.

Robert Waples fills the vacancy and Manny Occhiogrosso fills the Alternate #1 position.

There are just some things that don't make sense in life. Ron is very well qualified for any position in this City as he has been both a Commissioner and a Mayor. I personally think he was PERFECTLY suited as a member of P&Z and was very qualified for that position.

Nothing Is predictible in this City--NOTHING
Is this for real?


  1. What do you mean Ron is qualified for any position in this city? His time as a mayor and commissioner coincides with the beginning of the decline of the city. He was the first person to want to sell the beach to developers. He isn't even qualified to be on the P&Z board. If he's so qualified why can't he get elected? He runs evey election.

  2. Next time you post, sign your name. If you really want the facts, call Rodney Romano. It is he who wanted to lease our beach to Anthony Pugliese. Ron Exline NEVER wanted to sell or lease our beach to anyone. He was against the Greater Bay contract which was made to "flip." The fear was that Pugliese was still waiting in the wings to get a hold of our beach. At the time of Romano, he talked about a small hotel and shopping up there.

    Before you go around with your vivid imagination, get it right. You are the one who said you did not want negative campaigning. Well then, get the facts of the matter. Exline wants the beach public and is not too happy with the County with all its strings.

  3. At the time of Romano, Romano wanted a small hotel at the beach, etc.

    I wanted to clear that point up.

    Ron Exline wants the beach a beach and the ancillary shops remaining along with convenient parking for the residents.
