Monday, August 17, 2009

PBCHRC Endroses Bernard for District 84

The Palm Beach County Human Rights Council just sent out an endorsement of Mack Bernard for District 84. I asked the Council why and this is the answer--

Both candidates are equally good on our issues, but Mack made a concerted effort to get our support, which suggests to us that he'll be more effective as a legislator. In addition, this is an opportunity for Florida to send a Haitian-American to the legislature. Our working in support of Mack helps open up the lines of communications with this important constituency in PB County.

Also, Riviera Beach, where Cedric is a City Council Member, has not been receptive -- despite several requests - to add sexual orientation (let alone gender identity or expression) into their non-discrimination provisions. In contrast, Delray Beach not only is supportive and inclusive (they have an openly transgender fire fighter!), but also have domestic partner benefits.

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