Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New dais to go along with new procedure

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Newly refurbished Dais--looks great!

Let's clean house has been the theme for the last 3.5 months. Not only in personnel with 30 people now on the pink sheet but the city chamber itself. The entire room appears larger mainly because of the two front pews being removed as well as the writing desks that were in front and the photographs not yet re-hung. This has opened up a lot of space in the front of the chamber but seating for 10 less people. It is rather inconvenient for the Press as well.

Last night there was a packed commission room, standing room only. People were actually asked to leave the room and stand in the hallway. It was reported that the microphones in the hall were literally turned off and no one could hear anything. Also, with the new city policy of keeping the thermostat at 77^, it could have been cooler for my comfort zone.

The Mojito bar problem was discussed for over 3 hours. I thought it would never end. This left little time for anything else. The fact that the City Commission just voted in March on a 3 to 2 (Lowe and Clemens dissenting) to put the Commission liaison reports at the beginning of the Agenda so that the public did not have to stay late and could be informed as to what their commissioners were doing for them and for Lake Worth, has all been reversed now with the new City Manager. She wanted them at the end and at the end they are.


  1. I hope someone knows what is going on at City Hall because it certianly is not the public. And to get rid of code? This is a joke when code needs all the support it can get now. It was said that if they have a strong director over code that they don't need all the field inspectors. So a strong director means they will travel every single street and slum and also be able to get thier city hall job done as well? I don't think so. God save our town as it looks like the sinking ship is about to go belly up before the final decent.

  2. The City Manager needs her walking papers! She could care less about the homeowners quality of life. She's only here for the pay check!

  3. 30 people to go? do you know who?
