Thursday, August 13, 2009

LW Politics

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A local blogster was at Brogues last night to take some photographs for a local candidate for Mayor.

Here is the guy who said dreadful things about this candidate just one year ago...demeaning him by calling him "Dolphin Boy," and that was one of the tame remarks. That entire political faction did and said unspeakable things about this candidate and now he is "sleeping with them."

Just proves that politics breeds very strange bedfellows.

To me, being a politician takes a friendly demeanor and outgoing personality. Our present Mayor has those winnable attributes. To get your issues across is largely decided through reasoned debate. The guy who usually wins is the one the people like--the one who has style, who is likeable and someone who the voters feel they can trust.

From an excerpt on How to be a Good Politician by Diane Barnes:

"To be a politician, first you have to come from a wealthy family that can get you into the best schools or out of the worst trouble. If you can't do that, make sure you step all over your colleagues to get to the top of that big fat lawyers firm, (oh yeah, you HAVE to be a lawyer, because they are so much smarter than the rest of us). Cut a few sweetheart deals? Good, you're qualified! Comb your hair right? Have a gleaming smile? Know how to baffle 'em with your bullshit? You got the job!

To be a politician you don't need to have any real moral or ethical standards (except the situational kind). In fact, you really should compromise everything you believe in to get the job. Then, hire a firm to spin all the lies you tell. Kiss some ass and keep a lot of secrets."

One thing for sure, you must have the ability to talk to and be personable with all sorts of folks, treat everyone with respect and courtesy but you should discern the friends from the foe.


  1. the games are just about to begin. It will be fun to see who jumps in.

  2. LW politics has always sucked.

  3. Too bad that politicians have less honor than the lowest criminal.If crooks lie to crooks,said crook gets killed by the other crooks.When politicians lie,we elect them.The bigger the lie, the higher the political office.All hail the chief. ( or should it now be HEIL )?
