Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The League of Cities' evil influence

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Trela White
Florida League of Cities voted Trela
Top Attorney in 2008
This woman actually wanted to shake my hand

Trela, I don't sleep with the enemy and I don't shake hands with them either. Perhaps that is something that lawyers do as a lot of it is only about winning; it is a game.

There is one fundamental reason why I do not like the Florida League of Cities—this group is always against the citizens, you know, you and me. We continue, as citizens, to put up with their anti-resident agenda. They got involved in the Sunset case and joined the law suit against Save Our Neighborhood. They were against the SuperMajority and imposed their will, their clout and money. Now they are against Florida Hometown Democracy along with the Florida Chamber and every developer group that ever existed.

Why are they against all of this? Because in some twisted reasoning they actually believe that a citizen should not have any say in what his/her community looks like even when that city government makes a decision contrary to the Comprehensive Plan. They believe that elected officials should be able to do whatever they damn well please and those who elected them should have no say. They actually mentor city officials on how to screw their citizens. If a city wants an excellent attorney to keep its residents at bay, it doesn't have to look too far.

While our Commissioners Lowe, Jennings and Mulvehill, as well as City Manager Stanton, were in Orlando for the League’s convention with Lake Worth taxpayers picking up this tab of $4,500, they were dining on more than roast beef, getting fed full of anti-Florida Hometown Democracy propaganda. City Manager Stanton actually rented a vehicle to transport all of them. We keep paying for membership in an organization that hates any citizen who does not fall in line.

What should have been said at that convention about Florida Hometown Democracy:

  • Amendment 4 will replace negative impact development and sprawl with well planned comfortable communities designed to attract business and industry
  • Amendment 4 will give voters VETO POWER only over projects that exceed what the community’s land use plan approves for a particular site
  • Too many destructive comprehensive plan changes have been granted in recent years of our elected officials causing congestion, spiraling taxes, costs for infrastructure, lower property values, sprawl, a shortage of water and a lower quality of life for all Florida residents.

That’s what they should have said! This is no game. This is all about preserving and saving our State from every square inch of it being paved over with no say.

Vote Yes on 4 in 2010.

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