Saturday, August 1, 2009

House says Restrict Bonuses

Everytime I am 100% sure that the Democrats are leading us down the garden path, they turn around and really do something right! It's a mixed bag for me but yesterday the Democrats just did what any reasonable person would expect our elected representatives to do.

The House voted 237 – 185 to stop bonus packages to those who take inappropriate risks in the finance industry that could jeopardize our economy. They said “no” to government bailed-out banks to giving out big bonuses.

Every institution with $1 billion of assets or more would be subject to this. Also, it will probably cover credit unions, other financial institutions as well as hedge funds.

Those who voted smart in our area were Hastings, Wexler and Klein. Rooney, the Republican, voted the other way. Is he out of his mind?

1 comment:

  1. These corporate people need to be fired.
