Saturday, August 8, 2009

Feds cracking down on Employers

A Texas bakery supply company that pleaded guilty to harboring illegal immigrants will pay a criminal fine of $250,000 and forfeit $1.3 million to federal immigration authorities, according to a sentence imposed by a federal judge in Houston.

Read more about it. Become a reader of the New York Times.

During the Special Meeting regarding two prospective housing projects in Lake Worth, Commissioner Jennings specifically asked the developers and urged them to seriously consider using workers registered at The Mentoring Center. Now, I have no problem with hiring local people to work. The problem here is that The Mentoring Center encourages illegal aliens and this is against the law for any employers to hire a person who is undocumented.

We cannot continue to break the law and for city officials to do so is asking for trouble. We have even advertised The Mentoring Center with our Utility Bill.

1 comment:

  1. ****Cara Jennings! I am a professional tradesman in the construction industry and I am out of work!!! So this &*)%(& wants to give MY job to some ILLEGAL???
    **** her....Come on KARMA!
    I have 36 years into my trade, how much does that illegal?
