Thursday, July 23, 2009

Stanton says, "Watch my terror!"

A supposed Homeland Security issue is nothing according to Susan Stanton, City Manager of Lake Worth. "It is not technically possible to have cascading power failure to FPL's power grid."

READ MORE of the PB Post Editorial.

The mystery here is why, if there was nothing to it, the cover-up? It is always the cover-up that is worse than the "crime."


  1. All it takes is one vulnerable system to bring down an entire grid. Something did happen here. We just don't know what.

  2. The City has a reign of terror going on it seems. Employees can't go to anyone to get satisfaction. Cyber attacks are a very real possibility. These employees should be thanked for coming forward, not threatened with being fired. It should have been thoroughly investigated and the outcome of that investigation revealed to the public. Perhaps less people with access to this computer would be appropriate as security can be more vulnerable with more employees with passwords...mistakes can be made. Everyone has deleted an important file from time to time. One click of the mouse is all it takes.
