Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sotomayor endorsed by Judiciary Panel 13 to 6

Comment Up
Lake Worth is very divided just like our national politics is.

There are people within our city who keep wondering why we all can't get along. They keep on wanting to promote meetings and "get togethers" like that will make a difference in where I stand on an issue. They believe that they will be so convincing that they will make me do an about face all of a sudden and love pavers. They forget all the blasphemy of the past. They want to ignore the horrible decisions that have led us to where we are: our water, our beach, Sunset, The Lucerne, the Gateways, etc. They want us to have short memories, forgive and move on and treat all the injustices of the past like they are no big deals.

So, no surprise here on the Sotomayor confirmation--13 to 6 with all Democrats on the Judiciary Panel voting for her with all but one Republican voting against her nomination.


  1. Lynn your're funny. When people talk about residents getting together to help work out all of the city's problems I can guarantee they're not talking about you. You have absolutely nothing positive to contribute. So keep on angrily banging away and supporting clown commissioners that give you something daily to angrily bang away about. When the city does turn around you'll be left out in the cold like you've been yor entire life.

  2. Normally I don't allow harassment on this blog but I wanted to respond to this anonymous poster. Please be sure to have an outing. If you are running for office, definitely let me know who you are so that I can campaign heavily against you. You are exactly the problem in this city.

  3. You know who it is--one of those sandbox kids!

  4. Whatever you do, do not let that gruesome few on the toilet come over here and start their crap.

  5. Elizabeth--if you are going to comment on this blog, let's keep it civil. Otherwise, go back to the sandbox and annoy all the rest of the kids. I will not post any more of your comments here and just rejected your latest bull. Can't want to hear you in the debates. OMG
