Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Security Breach in master SCADA computer

Tonight during public commentary, two employees spoke on a national homeland security issue that occurred at our power plant. This issue could not get solved through management and the situation has been covered up. One employee who is in charge of testing all protective devices that control and monitor the entire electrical system in Lake Worth, said that there was a breach of security. He states that he has now been yelled at, humiliated and told to leave the Director's office and that he would be fired.

Channel 5 was there tonight and I was told it was because of Mojito's. It seems that in reality it was on the possible homeland security cover-up at Lake Worth Utilities. This should be on the 11 o'clock news tonight.

Definition of SCADA:
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) or Distributed Control System (DCS) networks are large, distributed systems responsible for automatic control of everything from refineries to railway signals. These systems are critical to the safety of national power grids, petrochemical facilities, and commuter and freight transit. These critical points of control must be forcefully protected at all times.

What the experts say about SCADA

21 Steps to Improve Cyber Security


  1. I was there and could not for the life of me figure out what they were talking about. It seems that Cara did not even know about it.

  2. "Channel 5 was there tonight and I was told it was because of Mohjito's. It seems that in reality it was on the possible homeland security cover-up at Lake Worth Utilities. This should be on the 11 o'clock news tonight."

    ??? I STILL don't understand this....

  3. I am sorry for not being clear. I did not want to get into a long story on the issue. Mojitos is a bar that wants to become a nightclub within the city limits of Lake Worth. The owner of this bar's attorney was to be in front of the commission last night appealing the case. They want to be allowed to stay opened until 5am. When I asked someone next to the Channel 5 camerman what they were here to film, I was told the Mojitos Bar discussion. This power grid breach of security was not on the agenda and came as a complete surprise to me when it came forth during public commentary. Sorry. Hope this helps a little. If this is still unclear, call me or e-mail me.
