Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Screwy--A Tragedy and a Travesty

Trial begins on illegal Guatemalan.

Now, why should this be the problem of Martin Memorial when two Guatemalan hospitals kicked him out too! Why should this be the problem of OUR government to pay the hospital for these bills? Does it get any screwier than this?

"Hey, America, I was born therefore I am entitled; I crossed your border illegally; I got in a terrible car accident with NO driver's license; I was treated for two years raking up a bill of $1.5 million; I can't pay; I won't pay; you sent me back to Guatemala on an airplane, not the same way in which I entered your country; hospitals in my own country tell me to forget it--
I am coming back to the U.S. to sue Martin Memorial."

Now I sure do hope there are no Socialists
or bleeding heart liberals on this Jury.


  1. It really is a sad state of affairs with the illegal situation in this country. Knowing us, this alien will probably win.


    Feb. 28, 2000: Luis Alberto Jimenez is taken to Martin Memorial Medical Center's emergency room after an Indiantown car crash.

    July 9, 2000: Jimenez is transferred temporarily to a long-term care facility.

    Jan. 26, 2001: Jimenez is readmitted to Martin Memorial.

    June 5, 2003: Hospital attorneys seek permission to release Jimenez to Guatemalan long-term care facility. Jimenez's guardian and attorney oppose the move.

    June 27, 2003: After receiving written assurances from Guatemala's minister of public health that Jimenez will be cared for, a judge rules Martin Memorial can return him to Guatemala. Hospital costs top $1 million.

    July 3, 2003: The Migrant Farmworkers Justice Project in Lake Worth joins legal attempts to keep Jimenez at Martin Memorial.

    July 10, 2003: Jimenez is flown back to Guatemala and admitted to a long-term care facility there.

    July 24, 2003: Jimenez is discharged from the Guatemalan facility because he can't pay. His mother begins caring for him.

    May 5, 2004: 4th District Court of Appeals reverses June 27, 2003 ruling allowing Martin Memorial to return Jimenez to Guatemala.

    June 29, 2004: 4th District Court of Appeals refuses to reconsider its reversal.

    Jan. 11, 2005: A judge dismisses a lawsuit against Martin Memorial alleging Jimenez was "falsely imprisoned" when taken back to Guatemala.

    Aug. 23, 2006: Dismissal of the lawsuit is overturned by the appeals court, which says Jimenez can sue for false imprisonment.

  3. Well I hope that you don't get nearly killed and some hospital won't treat you. See how you would like it.
