Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Power and Money control the outcome

For one, I can’t understand why certain members of our CRA and their friends are so concerned whether or not the CRA is taken back under control of our City Commission or remains an independent Board. They continually cry and moan that they might soon be just a memory and keep saying that they have worked so hard. Afterall, if this volunteer Board really has the best interests of the City of Lake Worth as its objective, why does the thought bother some of them so much? The work of the CRA will get done either way. Is that not the goal?

It all boils down to power and money. This is one of the two most powerful Boards within the City of Lake Worth. The difference with this Board is that they are working with millions of dollars. And if you go with Mark Bates’ projections (and there are two on the table) the CRA will possibly be working with $2,338,184 million for this coming year.

It goes back to Henry Kissinger’s statement when he said, "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world."

In the case of the CRA, volunteer citizens, not elected officials, have control of over $2 million dollars and this is a low amount for them. We have witnessed as to how they have spent and wasted this money year on year. We have been a witness to their rude epistles toward the very body that appointed them in the first place. You can't even get rid of a member who is insubordinate. Is this what the City deserves?

Waste after waste, time after time...multi millions of dollars. It is all about a political majority on this Board that wants to take the city in its district in a certain direction and has the power and money to do so. We have even witnessed a member saying, "Well, we've got the money and it must be spent." They do not have to answer to the City Commission. They need not answer to anyone but themselves. This is absolute power--almost! Very seductive nevertheless.

Take it back City Commission. It has been out of control for far too long.


  1. Now that the commission can appoint new members, they will have members who are more fiscally accountable to the citizens rather than to developers.

  2. There are six member slots coming up. Board members are for 4 years. I am rather sure that these terms will be staggered somehow. BUT, the only control you really have over the money is to have the City Commission act as the CRA. At least we can get rid of elected officials every 2 years if they are not performing. Cara Jennings brought up this point the other night.
