Monday, July 13, 2009

Mary McCarty's new residence

Mary McCarty's new home for the next 3.5 years--

Bryan Federal Prison Camp, Bryan, Texas

This is a minimum security prison that houses all females.



  1. Her term is not long enough! America is not some third world Banana Republic run by crooks. ( Wait a minute ,I forgot about the Congress, Senate , and House of Representatives )! An elected official betraying the public trust-that is just wrong on so many levels.It makes a mockery of everything that this country is SUPPOSED to be about.How about one year in jail for every dollar involved in this scandal.Katie Mcgiveron

  2. "An elected official betraying the public trust-that is just wrong on so many levels."

    Yes, Katie, it IS "wrong on so many levels." So then you have to wonder, WHY is Cara Jenning's not in prison with her.

  3. Ink--I guess you have some new information that you want to reveal that should throw her into prison? Don't tell me it's the 2nd mortgage thing. Hurry--go call the FBI. I guess you guys now want to throw Commissioner Mulvehill into prison too for her T-Report. While your at it, let's just throw all of them into prison and we won't have to elect anyone. You guys were totally silent on Retha who actually did commit a dishonest act. When it is one of your own votes on the dais, you remain silent. Laura Hanna wants you to run for Mayor?

  4. ??? Huh???'s not "the second mortgage thing". (Call the F.B.I.?)

    "I guess you guys now want to throw Commissioner Mulvehill into prison too for her T-Report."

    ??? Who's "you guys"?...and why would I object to Suzanne's report? ???

    "You guys were totally silent on Retha who actually did commit a dishonest act."

    ??? "you guys", again? I am with no other group, Lynn. By the way, I was outraged about Retha and I never ever approved of Retha having the position that she has.
    I never voted for her, that's for sure. I've certainly never remained silent about it, either.

    You should know that I am not one of "the guys". I am not a member of either "side" - not a Paver or a Caver....and as long as those two sides exist so strongly then our city will just deteriorate
    further. A mayor on either "side" will do no good.

  5. This is VanishingInk? I have NO idea who you are so unless you want to reveal your identity, no one can make any assumption when it comes to you, whether you approve of Retha or not, whether you are on the pro-development side or not, whether you have remained silent on the issues or not. Someone here must believe they know who you are by the post.

    So, come on out and let us decide where you fit in all of this. Sign your comments with a name, not an ID. We do know that you are a regular on the Stafford Forum. As this site likes to group people together and put them all into the same mold, then someone might just assume you are a paver whether you are or not.
