Wednesday, July 15, 2009

John Jordan Quips

John Jordan, former elected representative of the Florida Legislature, is our perpetual candidate in Lake Worth. I asked him today if he was going to run again. This is what he said.

“The whole town is either for rent or for sale,” he said. John, former candidate for Mayor also said, “The entire city is screwed up.”

After he lost in the last election he was heard to say, “There is a God, I lost.”

John definitely tells it like it is. As far as running again, John's not talking.


  1. He won't run this year because the say no to everything crowd don't want a run off. Too much of a chance Larry lawsuit will lose a runoff. Jordan only runs when Mcauley and McNamara need to force a runoff. You should know this by now Lynn

  2. Not sure what you mean about the "say no to everything crowd." That is your perception when it is not in alignment with what you want and what direction you desire for the city. Actually, you give McCauley and McNamara way too much credit here. This is most definitely an Annabeth Karson theory. It worked for her with Mulvehill.

  3. John just batted 1000 again. This city is screwed up.

  4. I understand that McCauley is not backing anyone. Larry has always stood for democratic principles. There will be many in this race I think.

  5. This place is very screwed up. Just look who we have running this place. I guess it could get worse but I don't know how.
