Sunday, July 12, 2009

Honk to save our Sanity

Man who got mortgage for house he couldn't afford

ACORN is screaming discrimination—playing the RACE card. Now who would have thought they would do such a thing.

Acorn is a plaintiff in two cases against two States, Indiana and New Mexico. They have been accused of refusing to offer voter registration forms at government offices as required by the National Voter Registration Act.

So apparently according to Acorn, Indiana discriminates against the poor people and the black people because they don’t have forms at public offices. New Mexico, on the other hand, did some nasty deed by not having voter registration forms with drivers’ license applications.

Do they sue for money or are they just making these States get the proper forms out there. If it is the latter, why don’t the States just get the forms available and stop tying up the courts with nonsense?

Acorn has so many indictments against it, I guess this is trying to get even in some small way. Let's make noise like we are protecting the rights of the poor, the depressed, the indigent, whatever, whomever. Next they just complained about President Obama and his choice of Wilbur Ross as one of the fund managers in his new PPIP Program because his investment firm didn't do enough for the deadbeats who got these mortgages and were the problem to begin with and helped with the entire downturn of our economy.

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