Thursday, July 30, 2009

Homeless on a Jet Plane

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Lynda Mahoney asked if I had heard the news last night regarding the Mayor of New York wanting to send the homeless to Florida?

In checking this out, it appears that Mayor Bloomberg defended a New York City program to send homeless out of the State because it costs $36,000 a year to house one...sending them on a plane out of State is cheaper.

Where do most want to go? Florida is a top destination choice. Do you think they've heard about Lake Worth yet?

1 comment:

  1. I understand it has already happened here, once a couple of yrs ago. A past Mayor of N. Y. sent the homeless to the end of the Greyhound Bus Route. The route ended @ corner of 10th & Dixie...Lake Worth 3or 4 buses @ 3am dropped them. The is according to a local police officer. Nothig was done about it by our City.

    The present Mayor just figues they can get away with it again, our city reps. are to buzy screwing up our City to notice..
