Peter Willard and Mayor Clemens
What is going on with our pool? It has been closed for days.
If you recall, we paid Greater Bay $424,826.60 to refurbish our pool. This amount was $24,826.60 over budget. Originally Greater Bay told us that the complete rehabilitation was going to be much more expensive than that--$487,209 to be exact. Willard gave us a big song and dance. In order to get a matching grant from the Division of Recreation and Parks of $200,000, the project had to be completed by
At the time, Greater Bay did not have to provide plans and specifications for the pool. How then did Greater Bay get a permit from the City?
We had a project manager for our beach restoration and over time, paid him a few HUNDRED thousand of $ to watch over our interests. The contractor, Greater Bay, submitted invoices and most of the time there was NO back-up—NO proof of the expenditure. And we paid him anyway. Our project manager signed off on the invoices. Our Finance Department paid them.
Now, we have a pool that may not be opened for the July 4th
Willard comes into town periodically and tells the LW Herald that he is going to sue us for $40 million. We just can’t get rid of this guy.
This is a real shame for our community. Once again,staff refused to listen to a knowledgeable citizen ( Dennis Dorsey ),inside favors were done for inside friends,and once again the community suffers.There just might be too much past corruption for Lake Worth to recover. SAD,SAD,SAD