Monday, July 27, 2009

Green enough? The Lake Worth Beach

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It gets so annoying to keep having to listen to some talking about everything "green." Let's just get practical. What about that?

Today at the beach. Green everywhere! What is the point of spending $5 million dollars to rearrange our parking lot when it is NOT necessary? And by the way, only one maintenance guy picking up trash was on the green park. People come to go to the beach and fish at the pier, not to look at grass. I asked five people at random...why are you here today? They looked at me as if I was nuts. Seriously. I didn't expect any of them to tell me they came to look at grass or sea oats.

Clean up the parking lot. Let's repave them, if they need that, which they don't...plant trees down the middle. Let's call Gail Silverblatt from the Tree Board. She has thousands of trees to give away. Let's refurbish the walkways and put in pavers, whatever, and re-do the restrooms. We don't need to screw around with ANY of our parking.

The money is just burning a whole in their pockets. We do not need to spend this money on parking lots and screwing up our roads.


  1. Your shining star at work. Amazing when she's attempting to take over the CRA you call her a shining star but when it comes to YOUR beach you totally disagree with her. Bottom line is she knows nothing about running the CRA or how to run a profitable business, which the beach should be for the city. Maybe she wants minimize commercial space becaue she wants to put the resource center up there. You'll love that won't you?

  2. The dead horse Green gimmick is being used as a cover up for appearing important.
    The owner of the Bellaria, whom I brought prior to its' building , was ready to create beautiful green parks with fountains, 5 arm lanterns, promenade paths around our EXISTING NECESSARY rehabbed PARKING, with his own money. He sees the big picture(no petty ego there with phony environmentalism, charaters, who paid for nothing but leech)).A 90 foot wide pedestrian and event friendly
    Boardwalk with, 5arm lanterns, palm trees next to benches and smart receptacles, to give us all a dignified , gracious Beachfront around the Casino.Many people have dignity. He was insulted away by a few so called environmentalist with blown up petty egos, with their personal small vision against Lake Worth revenue creation, without debts. I made a big mistake by introducing such small ,no visioned Citizens, instead of those loyal to the well being of our City. They have managed to prevent unemployed Lake Worth Citizens to remain so, by sabotaging the Lake Worth Beach and 1921 Casino's total recreation.
    They are plotting to create more debts where it is not necessary.
    Are they going to pay them back? How ?

  3. All of the commissioners have moments when they are "shining stars."

    If the beach had nothing there other than a park, we would have to support it from parking and the pier. Once the building is refurbished, that will be supported from rents. So what's your beef? Do you think that every asset we have should be sustainable? If that were the case, we would not have given our Senior Center away for $1,000 a year; we would not have given our Shuffleboard Building away for $1 a year, and the list goes on.

    As far as the CRA goes, anyone would be better and anything would be better than what they have now and the terrible decisions they have made. All the CRA does is spend money and now it wants to spend money that we and they do not have and can't afford. Time to take it over.

  4. That element has been sabotageing our City, under cover of dead horse word(only)"green" to make sure, that we do not create revenue to pay their debts and City services, and have employment for hundreds.
    Their greatest triumph will be when they have bankrupted our City with their raging debt making.
    Are the debt makers paying them back?

    UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC, ENORMOUS DRAIN PIPES TO PREVENT FLOODING,(their chronic problem)and landscaping and bike paths.

    Lake Worth CRA(County Roadbuilding Association) with fiscally outrageous debt making, paid $15.000.000.- for

    1 mile of County Road.

    Nothing to alleviate blight ,their supposed mission, in our blighted
    neighborhoods. How much finacial damage must they cause before the vision-less Commission Chairman Clemens and Commissioners stop our Road to bankruptcy?

  6. Looks like the elegant one found a new place to vent
