Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Full Plate kept the CRA alive

You have to have some protein to go with this Full Plate.

Originally when the Commission made the decision to have this meeting with the possibility of taking it back, I was surprised that they did not at least appoint a new Board first when they had that opportunity. But one hour before the applicants were to arrive for their interviews, the Mayor decided that a 5 minute interview was not long enough and had city staff cancel the interviews. No one understood the real motive behind this as all previous interviews for all other Boards through the years were five minutes at a crack. It was this action that put "taking back the CRA" in motion.

Mayor Clemens was in his top form last night, doing his normal song and dance routine, manipulating the commission at every opportunity and making up stuff. He was Chair of the CRA at one time and has a "love" for it no matter what just like the husband whose wife has cheated on him, "but I still love her." But, it was not he who defeated the motion to dissolve the CRA in its present structure and bring it back under the power of the City Commission with two volunteer members. It was the Twinkie defense--a full plate!

Even Commissioner Lowe sounded on top of her game—wasted money on the Pugh property…wasted money on other things…problem with the CRA and some of its members…not working towards the mission, but when it came right down to it, she said the Commission was being burned out right now—too much on their plates.

Commissioner Jennings had requested that City Manger, Susan Stanton, present the options to the Commission at last night’s meeting. “Do you have them?” she asked. “No,” replied Stanton, “I was too busy.” (Even the City Manager has too much on her plate I guess) “Did you ask the CRA Director to get them?” asked Cara. “NO”, said Stanton. Throughout the entire night, Commissioner Jennings was a shining star. She said it WAS about the money; it was black and white.

Folks, this was an extremely important meeting and all the facts were not in the hands of the Commission to render a decision. This is a Board that is totally independent of the City Commission and can make its decisions in any way it chooses. The City Commission has control over the CRA’s budget only. That is it. And it is POLITICAL, Mayor.

Commissioner Golden was right on when she said that our City was in a disaster and that we need a cohesive Board that will work with the Commission and keep the best interests of the people in the City. Golden asked if the CRA was functioning as it should. “Has it ever?” she asked.

Commissioner Mulvehill wanted something other than black and white. She said that she had a full plate. She wanted to know if there was a way to make the relationship better and wanted the Commission to have more input.

David Tolces, the CRA attorney, was saying as little as possible—wanting to keep his job I guess. He should have told Commissioner Mulvehill the truth. The CRA does not care what you think, Commissioner. The CRA can do what is pleases with the tax money and they don't have to report anything to you.

There were NO options presented by the City Manager as requested by Commissioner Jennings. How can a Commission make a motion based on ….??????? What???? This should have been tabled right then and there.

A few members of the audience showed up and spoke after receiving Mayor Clemens e-mail…like Chip Guthrie owner of the Potty Doctor. He's hoping to apply for a grant one day. Chip, who NEVER comes to a CRA meeting and has NO clue as to what is going on in the City other than his business is down. He said that the CRA has done a “great job.” How does he know that? What have they done? Planted some trees on 6th Avenue South, a road that you can’t even cross to get to the other side? That cost us $5.8 million dollars. The Pugh property scheme? 10th Avenue North debacle of $8+ million, who knows? We still have slum and blight all over our city. I watched time and time again with residents taking advantage of a system with their hands out for free money. It is one sickening joke on the people of Lake Worth.

When it comes down to the full plate excuse, you have to realize that it is not the CRA Board members who do all this work. It is the Director and her Staff. The CRA Board reads the back-up, discusses it and then decides on whether or not it is a good or bad idea to spend the money that is recommended. It is not that time consuming. Taking it back would not have added that much more work to their plate.

I don’t think our City Commission did the people of this city a service last night by using the full plate excuse. This much money should be under the control of our elected officials, not appointed citizens because the CRA has not done its job. There has been way too much waste. And the CRA volunteers are not more qualified than the Commission to decide how to spend tax dollars as one resident suggested. We elect our Commission to be accountable. We do not elect the CRA.

Not all is lost. If the CRA does stay under the control of a volunteer board, I would like to see the terms reduced to two years, the same term as a city commissioner. It is either time now to appoint new members to this political Board or Commissioner Mulvehill can bring it back for another vote tonight. That IS the black and white of it.


  1. Suzanne Mulvihill showed last night that she has no clue about the CRA and unlimited power the Commission gives to the CRA which allows them to spend our millions as they feel like. Suzanne claimed to bring fiscal responsibility in her campaign! CRA appointments resulted in arrogant members, indicating Commissioners get lost, stay out of our Business!

  2. I hope it is brought back and they take it over.

  3. Why would ANYONE take Cara Jennings seriously?! She should be in jail.
    Mulvehill was excellent last night.

  4. Commissioner Mulvehill did not have a complete understanding on what this run-away Board has done--not only what it did years ago but within this past year. If she had, and if she was not over extending herself to do a great job for the City of Lake Worth, this Board would have been gone as you know it. Hopefully, the City Commission will appoint new members who do not treat this as their personal cookie jar for their friends, etc. or for every Tom, Dick and Harry scam artist wanting a hand-out of tax money for pavers, sprinkler systems, Queen palms, law mowers, air conditioners, etc. You are just lucky that Commissioner Mulvehill is working so hard and felt she did not have the time to devote to taking over the CRA. And explain the "she should be in jail" thing. Aren't you talking about a different commissioner who got caught with campaign contribution coverups? Whoever has control of the money HAS THE CONTROL. Explain why you think it should be citizen volunteers that are not elected but politically appointed?

  5. You live in a world of half truths and are nuts on Ad #4. Cara is an idiot.Goldens a mess etc...

    There are people who pay taxes and want development. As a tax payer,I like 6th Ave & 10th Ave even if the city of W.P.B should of paid for it. At least, the CRA got something done. The streets may never have happened if left up to the city of W.P.B.

    You think that you are helping people never concidering how much & how many people your hurting!

    You know what assuming does? Makes an a** of you and me..Re the Mayors E-mails.

    I'm for put a Hotel/shops/restaurants on the beach (lease only) Bring peoples' $'s to the city,create jobs,tax revenue,garbage rev.,utility rev.,golf corse rev.,let um shop,eat downtown etc.. tear the down the old trashy homes/buildings around the city. give this city a face lift!!

    No, I'm not a big time developer; just a tax paying citizen.

    Doubt you'll post this on your blog. we'll see..

  6. First of all, you were right...I almost did NOT post the above. I do not want nor do I need any harassing posts on this blog. You can go to that talk forum for that. Next, these are County roads, not West Palm Beach. I am not against development. What makes you that think I am? In the future, please refrain from name calling. If you have specific facts that make you upset with certain commissioners' decisions, then state them. As far as the beach is concerned, this should be voted on by the people. It is not what YOU want up there nor is it what I want. It IS what the majority of people want as it is their beach. Next time, post your name instead of being Mr. Big Shot in the shade.
