Friday, July 31, 2009

Chamber of Commerce Spotting

"But Susan, I HAVE TO HAVE THAT MONEY to operate
Evening on the Avenues
This is one of our most successful events!
What ever will we do?"

Tom Ramiccio's License tag.
Tom was sighted at City Hall waiting to meet with City Manager


  1. He's trying. Give him a break. Not sure about that tag though.

  2. I don't understand the copy to this article. What's this about the money for evening on the avenue?

  3. Well, you would have to attend CRA meetings to understand it. His funding might be cut off. Evenings on the Avenue is the best thing in this City.

  4. The Lantana Chamber of Commerce,where I grew up,never had their hands out for money. They GAVE the Community money,in the form of scholarships,Bar-B-_Q's ,etc. How much money has the Lake Worth Chamber siphoned off to fund the Opponents of Florida Hometown Democracy ? Nothing ? Something? How much? The Chamber really needs a new leader.One more interested in promoting the merchant's needs,not his own personal needs.In other words, Lake Worth should be more than just a series of photo ops.Katie Mcgiveron

  5. I spoke to Tom Ramiccio and he doesn't appreciate the photo of his tag on a website.

  6. Photography is not a crime. The simple fact that this photo of the tag was taken AFTER the renewal date is serious. Tom doesn't like it? Tell him to contact me. Actually, unlike you, I am sure that he has a sense of humor as the tag attests.

  7. Dang, you censor my comments but you leave yours posted. Kind of unfair, doncha think?

  8. If your comment was deleted it is because you used a citizen's name in a lie, you misspoke the truth, you were harassing, etc. You were the one who said Tom didn't like his tag displayed. I told you to have Tom tell me that. You then tell me to tell Tom myself. ?????? You made the issue.
