Friday, July 24, 2009

Behind the Brown Door - revisited - Florida Hometown Democracy is the Key

Spooky and Ominous. What's behind that door?

Behind the Brown Door was an article I wrote for Lake Worth Media in November 2007. The PAC that hired the group behind this door is still out there and still spreading the lies about Florida Hometown Democracy. They hired John Thrasher as a spokesman then. Does anyone remember him?

Florida Hometown Democracy has received the bulk of its contributions from the Sierra Club, Lesley Blackner (one of its founders) and other concerned citizens or environmentalists like Steve Rosen...caring people and who, unlike developers, have no other motive but to preserve our State and all its splendor.

A few years ago, Save Our Constitution, a PAC, hired John Thrasher as a spokesman for them. The Group also includes many builder groups as well as the Florida Chamber of Commerce, a group that I refer to as "evil" and one that always gets its hands into Florida politics when it involves development. It doesn't matter whether it is a 4.02 parcel of land in Lake Worth or a development issue that involves the entire State. They are right there to leap down and snuff out the people's right to vote and they have tons of money.

Associated Industries, which represents Florida businesses, including Publix Supermarkets Inc., is heavily behind the group out to defeat Florida Hometown Democracy. They, back in July 2007, hired a Palm Beach County public relations firm, Public Concepts. This is their door. I thought it an interesting enough shot to bring back to remind all of us that evil lurks behind the brown door. Marketing companies, like lawyers, went to the same school. (Okay, let's hear from all my lawyer friends out there)

Vote For 4! 2010 is the year. This time all the residents of Florida can decide whether we want urban sprawl and every square inch of land paved over. This time, voters can make a big difference in preserving the beauty of our State. There is no doubt in my mind how you will vote in spite of the huge developer money ($3.5 million reported so far) machine behind the defeat of this grassroots, environmentalist effort.

The Brown Door picked a loser for a spokesman two years ago and developer groups have a losing argument against Florida Hometown Democracy to this day.

1 comment:

  1. In law school, lawyers are taught:
    1. If you don't have the law on your side, argue the facts
    2. If you don't have the facts on your side, argue the law
